Presentation Slideshow
It was shown to us during our vist to the QVMAG by ShuHan. |
Dear Mia, Bob, Ailin, Gerald & everyone, I apologize for the delay in sending the presentation slideshow. In the email, I have included Burcu, our assistant curator, to add the script she presented for the temple as well. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Mia and Bob for the invitation and to everyone for having me at the lunch gathering. It is an absolute honor to have gained so much insight into the family, and I feel privileged to be a part of celebrating the continuing achievements made by the Chung-Gon family. On behalf of the Queen Victoria Museum & Gallery, we thank you again for visiting us and allowing us to convey the stories and contributions of the Chinese community in Launceston. Our research on the Chinese archival collections we have in-store would not have been as progressive without the support of the Chung-Gon family, especially the website made by Ailin. I have attached the presentation slideshow, which connects the dots between two families, (Kaw & Chung-Gon). I have also attached a photograph taken in Palm Beach, Sydney, in February 1931, (below which I have attached) which we found in Kaw's collection. The photograph showcases Joyce (I believe she could be Joyce Loon? Please correct me if I am wrong); Miss Chuey (Ann Chung-Gon); Helena Fong; Louey Fong (Chin Kaw's wife), and Elsie Kaw. The order starts from left to right. (Corrected...l-r:- Joyce Loon, Rose Chuey, Thelma Loon, Violet Loon, the girl's grand-mother and James Chung Gon's n°1 daughter and Elise Kaw).
We welcome any feedback or concerns about our presentations, hoping we could strive for improvement in future events. It would be great if you have any photographs taken during the event for us to share on our social media! 😄
Best regards,
SHU HAN CHEN Researcher Public History